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Blog: Voices from SAR

SAR Remembers Sally Merry

SAR Remembers Sally Merry

The School for Advanced Research and the profession of anthropology mourn the passing on September 8 of Sally Engle Merry, who at the time of her death was the Silver Professor of Anthropology at New York University. Prior to her NYU appointment, she served on the faculty of Wellesley College for many years.

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Industrializing Animal Life and Death: A Conversation with Alex Blanchette

Industrializing Animal Life and Death: A Conversation with Alex Blanchette

Alex Blanchette was SAR’s 2012–2013 Weatherhead resident scholar, co-organizer of the 2016 Advanced Seminar “How Nature Works,” and co-editor of How Nature Works: Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet, published by SAR Press in 2019. SAR recently spoke with him about his new book and the effects of COVID-19 on the meatpacking industry.

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SAR Welcomes 2020–2021 Resident Scholars

SAR Welcomes 2020–2021 Resident Scholars

We are pleased to announce SAR’s 2020–2021 resident scholars. Fellows develop their work on our unique campus, which provides a combination of solitude, freedom from institutional responsibilities, and lively exchange of ideas.

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SAR Mourns the Passing of Daniel T. “Bud” Kelly, Jr.

The School for Advanced Research (SAR) joins the community in mourning the loss of longtime friend, supporter, SAR board member (1969–1989) and former board chair Daniel T. “Bud” Kelly, Jr., who passed away on August 18, 2020, at the age of ninety-nine. Bud was directly involved in the evolution of SAR during some of its most transformative years.

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Abolishing Immigration Detention: A Conversation with Deborah Boehm

Abolishing Immigration Detention: A Conversation with Deborah Boehm

Deborah A. Boehm was a 2013 visiting research associate at SAR and is now a professor in the Department of Anthropology and chair of the Department of Gender, Race, and Identity at the University of Nevada, Reno. She will be participating in a conversation with Jason De León and other scholars during SAR’s Beyond Borders Symposium on August 21, 2020, 10:00 a.m. MDT. We spoke about her year as a Mellon/ACLS Scholars & Society fellow and her most recent work on the US immigration detention system.

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A New Way of Connecting: SAR Virtual Happy Hours

A New Way of Connecting: SAR Virtual Happy Hours

“In the time of the pandemic, SAR has created thoughtful, interesting online programs with internationally renowned scholars that provide the participants and speaker the opportunity for conversation with each other.” Lauren Prescott reflects on SAR’s newest program of virtual happy hours with leading scholars and artists. Read on to learn how you can join the conversations.

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