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Founders’ Society

Founders' Society Event

Dinner at a Founders’ Society event.

SAR thanks its donors of the Founders’ Society for supporting SAR’s position as a national leader in generating cutting-edge work in the social sciences and Native American arts through launching Creative Thought Forum in 2017. 

The goal of the Creative Thought Forum is to bring to Santa Fe exciting and inventive thinkers whose work illuminates topics of broad public concern, ranging from climate change and growing social inequality to the unanticipated risks posed by new technologies.

SAR gratefully acknowledges its Founders’ Society donors:

Anonymous (4)
Darlene and Jeffrey Anderson
David and Tina Bogle
Dorothy Bracey and Tom Johnson
John R. Camp and Michele Cook
Anne Chognard and James Ammerman
Ken and Elaine Cole
Joe and Bunny Colvin
Tom and Anne Conner
Mike Daly and Ellen Boozer
Eric and Barbara Dobkin
Ronald and Susan Dubin
John and Margot Ernst
Susan Foote and Stephen Feinberg
Brian L. Foster
Gregory Ghent and David Clough
Richard and Pamela Hanlon
Karl and Susan Horn
Philip B. Howell and Mary Amelia Whited-Howell
Lynne and Joe Horning
Lawrence and Betsy Kilham
Don and Jean Lamm
Meg and Jerry Lamme
Louise Lamphere
Steven and Ellen LeBlanc
Phyllis Lehmberg
John and Diane Lenssen
Dana and Jim Manning
Wilson and Gwynn Mason
Doris Meyer and Richard Hertz
Mary Mill
Ann and Russell Morton
Douglas and Brenda Nelson
Kelly Pope and David Bufler
Lauren and Larry Prescott
Douglas and Christine Preston
Marcus Randolph and Merrilee Caldwell
James and Barbara Robins
Elizabeth and Jim Roghair
Dave Rossetti and Jan Avent
Pamela Saunders-Albin
Barbara and Ted Seeley
Scott and Kimberley Sheffield
Don Siegel and Liza Meyers
Richard and Willa Sisson
Bert ǂ and Colleen Spencer
Gerald Stiebel and Penelope Hunter-Stiebel
Kenneth E. Stilwell
Samuel and Susan Stone
Betty Vortman ǂ
Lynne Withey and Michael Hindus
David and Sheila Young