Remember that many of these activities—beyond publication of the book itself—can be shared again on social media. Let us know about any publicity you and your book receive so that we can share through our own channels!
- Create an e-mail signature that highlights your new book (and include a link to our book page).
- Put our marketing flyer on your office door, or request a postcard PDF that you can print and distribute.
- Use your social networks to publicize the book: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Amazon Author Central, Goodreads Author Program, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit, Wikipedia, e-mail lists, your own blog, and other online forums.
- Update your personal/professional websites to mention the book.
- Tell a colleague about your new book in case they know someone who is interested in reviewing it.
- Tell someone outside your academic circles about the book—they may want to buy a copy just to support you.
- Tell your department, university office of communications, and professional associations about your book so they can promote it in their newsletters.
- Contact the appropriate subject specialist at your university library to see if they’re interested in adding a copy to their collections.
- Buy a copy for your favorite graduate student—and ask them which social media outlets and listservs they recommend.
- Ask a favorite journal if they would be interested in reviewing it.
- Mention your book in any presentations you give and remember to show the cover.
- Make sure your bios for conferences, presentations, and other events—along with your entries in subject expert lists—mention the book.
- Contact your alumni magazine to share news about publication.
- Offer to send a signed bookplate to anyone who buys a copy.
- Teach your book—course adoptions are an important element of book sales.
- Propose a talk or panel related to the book at your next conference.
- Ask us if we would be interested in hosting a book signing at the conference.
- Encourage colleagues to post short reviews on websites of major booksellers.
- Approach a local bookstore about selling your book or hosting a talk and book signing.
- Ask your department/institution, others where you have connections, or local membership groups about hosting a lecture.
- Contact a local newspaper, magazine, radio station, blogger, or podcaster (e.g., New Books Network) and offer to give an interview about your work and book.
- Write an op-ed or article for the mainstream media that draws from your work and book.
- Set up a website for your book that includes mentions, reviews, blurbs, and any other publicity, plus supplementary materials for other instructors.
- Write a guest post for the SAR blog.
- Keep us in the loop! We can share reviews, events, and other news related to your book, but not organized by SAR, on our website, blog, and social media channels.