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The School for Advanced Research depends on the generosity of many people, for which all of us at SAR are deeply grateful. The following lists those individuals, corporations, and organizations whose cumulative lifetime giving has been instrumental in allowing SAR to fulfill its important mission. We extend our deepest appreciation to these generous donors (as of June 30, 2022).

Cumulative giving of $1,000,000 or more.

The Annenberg Foundation
Eric and Barbara Dobkin
Susan Foote and Stephen Feinberg
Estate of Reverend Davis Given ⱡ
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Marshall L. McCune ⱡ
Mellon Foundation
Julie M. Michel ⱡ
National Endowment for the Humanities
Paloheimo Foundation
Barbara and Dennis Tedlock ⱡ

Weatherhead Foundation
Zemurray Foundation

We acknowledge the generosity of those donors who have passed on.

Cumulative giving of $500,000 to $999,999.

The Brown Foundation, Inc.

Lloyd and Margit Cotsen ⱡ
Ronald and Susan Dubin
Henry Luce Foundation

Rollin W. King and Mary Ella King ⱡ
Marjorie and Jack Lambert ⱡ
National Science Foundation

J. I. Staley ⱡ
Vera R. Campbell Foundation

We acknowledge the generosity of those donors who have passed on.

Cumulative giving of $100,000 to $499,999.

Bill and Nettie Adams
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
BF Foundation
Steven Bohlin and Rachel O’Keefe
Dorothy Bracey and Tom Johnson
Jason H. Brady
John S. Catron ⱡ and Laurie Archer
Joe and Bunny Colvin
William S. and Virginia Cowles ⱡ
Benjamin F. and Sally Crane ⱡ
Ken and Elaine Cole
Thomas and Anne Conner
Flora Crichton ⱡ
The Educational Foundation of America
Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Foundation
John and Margot Ernst
Steven Feld

Holly A. Hart
Catherine M. Harvey
Heritage Mark Foundation
Diane and Philip Jonsson
Rhonda F. Judy
Carolyn Kercheck ⱡ
James and Sudye Kirkpatrick
Robert and Miryam Knutson
Patricia Kuhlhoff ⱡ
Don and Jean Lamm
Louise Lamphere

Lannan Foundation
Margot and Robert Linton ⱡ
John and Nancy McCune
McCune Foundation
T.H. and Inge Marie McElvain
Catherine B. McElvain ⱡ
The Mill Foundation
Jacqueline S. Mithun ⱡ
Ann and Russell Morton
Douglas and Brenda Nelson
William and Elizabeth Overstreet ⱡ
Leonora Paloheimo ⱡ
Peters Family Art Foundation
Elizabeth and Jim Roghair

Salus Mundi Foundation
Santa Fe Community Foundation

Kimberley and Scott Sheffield
Rosemarie Shellaberger ⱡ
James Slaughter
Colleen D. Spencer

Dorothy Stevenson ⱡ
Doris Stone ⱡ
Haydee and Samuel Stone ⱡ
Eugene V. and Clare E. Thaw ⱡ
Thornburg Investment Management
Diane and Peter Vennema
The Vilcek Foundation
Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation

Betty M. Vortman ⱡ
Sallie Wagner ⱡ
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropology

John and Samantha Williams
Lynne Withey and Michael Hindus
Malcom Wood ⱡ and John J. Bodine ⱡ

We acknowledge the generosity of those donors who have passed on.