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Blog: Voices from SAR

Members Matter. Meet Maria.

Members Matter. Meet Maria.

One of our newest members, Maria, found SAR serendipitously this last year. Stuck at home in Missouri, Maria had been searching for online opportunities to fill the social and intellectual void created by the pandemic-related restrictions. As she told SAR recently, she has always had an interest in the history and culture of New Mexico, specifically Puebloan history and pottery. After discovering one of SAR’s online artist talks, she started exploring our recorded programs on YouTube and signing up for upcoming virtual events to feed her hungry mind.

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SAR Learns! $50,000 Awarded to Support Indigenous Artists

SAR Learns! $50,000 Awarded to Support Indigenous Artists

The School for Advanced Research (SAR) is pleased to announce our new initiative, SAR Learns! Out of a desire to support intergenerational learning and creativity during the pandemic, SAR Learns! will assist with knowledge transmission specifically within the context of the ongoing pandemic. The program will distribute $50,000, utilizing re-directed grant funds, that will enable sixteen artists to launch or complete a variety of proposed projects. 

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SAR Remembers Marshall David Sahlins

SAR Remembers Marshall David Sahlins

The School for Advanced Research(SAR) mourns the passing of Marshall David Sahlins: a preeminent anthropologist and SAR supporter whose academic work repeatedly transformed anthropology, and whose activism informed the public. Read two personal reflections by Michael F. Brown (SAR President) and Paul Ryer (Director, SAR Scholar Programs) who like so many leading anthropologists today studied at some point with professor Sahlins.

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How to Publish Your First Book: SAR Press Talks to John Arroyo

How to Publish Your First Book: SAR Press Talks to John Arroyo

SAR Press is starting a new blog series comprised of interviews with diverse scholars who have recently published or are in the midst of publishing their first book and who can offer guidance and encouragement to colleagues who are just starting to think about publishing. We hope that these interviews make a small contribution to supporting junior scholars as they begin the publishing process.

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Living Nations, Living Words, SAR Welcomes Joy Harjo

Living Nations, Living Words, SAR Welcomes Joy Harjo

The School for Advanced Research (SAR) is pleased to present a virtual program welcoming U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo. Reflecting on the upcoming program with SAR, Harjo shares, “The StoryMap project was a way to widen the doorway that my poet laureateship created when I became the first Native U.S. Poet Laureate. It was important to show that there are many Native poets writing poetry alongside each other, and that we speak from a sense of place in which there are no political boundaries imposed by non-Native cultures and political entities.” 

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SAR Press Top Reads: Indigenous Identity

SAR Press Top Reads: Indigenous Identity

The books in this list address Indigenous identity from different perspectives and in different ways: Native artists discuss the tensions between art and life; Native anthropologists and historians describe changing forms of identity via stereotyping, genetic science, ecology, and decolonization; and Native writers in various genres tell the stories of their people surviving and thriving, past and present.

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The Arroyo Hondo Pueblo Collection Finds a New Home

The Arroyo Hondo Pueblo Collection Finds a New Home

In 1970 former SAR president Douglas Schwartz began test excavations at the fourteenth-century Pueblo site of Arroyo Hondo, located approximately five miles south of Santa Fe. Earlier this year, SAR made the decision to transfer its only archaeological collection to the Center for New Mexico Archaeology, the state repository for such collections, where it will be able to receive more specialized care.

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