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The Chaco Experience

2008. Ruth Van Dyke

The Chacoan landscape, with its formally constructed, carefully situated architectural features, is charged with symbolism. In this volume, Ruth Van Dyke analyzes the meanings and experience of moving through this landscape to illuminate Chacoan beliefs and social relationships.

Chan Chan

1982. Edited by Michael E. Moseley and Kent C. Day

The fourteen essays in this book focus on the Chan Chan-Moche Valley Project and analyze its five-year archaeological study. It includes chapters on irrigation, excavation results, and sociopolitical organization during the Early Intermediate Period in Peru.

Cowboys & Cave Dwellers

1997. Fred M. Blackburn and Ray A. Williamson

In this book, Fred M. Blackburn and Ray A. Williamson tell the two intertwined stories of the early archaeological expeditions into Grand Gulch and the Wetherill-Grand Gulch Research Project. In the process, they describe what we now know about Basketmaker culture and present a stirring plea for the preservation of our nation’s priceless archaeological heritage.

Enduring Conquests

2011. Edited by Matthew Liebmann and Melissa S. Murphy

The contributors to this volume reject the grand narrative that views this era as a clash of civilizations—a narrative produced centuries after the fact—to construct more comprehensive and complex social histories of Native American life after 1492 by employing the perspective of archaeology and focusing explicitly on the native side of the colonial equation.

The Faunal Remains from Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico

1984. Richard W. Lang and Arthur H. Harris

This fifth volume presents the results of faunal analysis from the Arroyo Hondo excavations, covering the topics of prehistoric vegetation and climate; the importance of various animals in the diet; seasonal hunting patterns; methods of butchering, skinning, and cooking; the prehistoric hunting territory; the raising of domesticated dogs and turkeys; and trade in animals and animal products.

The Great Basin

2008. Edited by Catherine S. Fowler and Don D. Fowler

This book is about a place, the Great Basin of western North America, and about the lifeways of Native American people who lived there during the past 13,000 years. The authors highlight the ingenious solutions people devised to sustain themselves in a difficult environment.