by operations | Jul 9, 2017 | Cultural Anthropology, Resident Scholar, Southwest
2006. Sylvia Rodriguez
Every society must have a system for capturing, storing, and distributing water, a system encompassing both technology and a rationale for the division of this finite resource. Today, people around the world face severe and growing water scarcity, and everywhere this vital resource is ceasing to be a right and becoming a commodity. The acequia or irrigation ditch associations of Taos, Río Arriba, Mora, and other northern New Mexico counties offer an alternative.
by operations | Jul 10, 2017 | Archaeology, Resident Scholar
2008. Edited by Joyce Marcus and Jeremy A. Sabloff
The essays in this volume — presented at a Sackler colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences — reveal that archaeologists now know much more about the founding and functions of ancient cities, their diverse trade networks, their heterogeneous plans and layouts, and their various lifespans and trajectories.
by operations | Jul 10, 2017 | Cultural Anthropology, General Anthropology, History/Social Sciences, Indigenous Peoples, Resident Scholar
2011. Circe Sturm
Becoming Indian explores the social and cultural values that lie behind this phenomenon and delves into the motivations of these Americans—from so many different walks of life—to reinscribe their autobiographies and find deep personal and collective meaning in reclaiming their Indianness.
by operations | Jul 10, 2017 | Ancient Americas, Archaeology, Resident Scholar, Southwest
2008. Ruth Van Dyke
The Chacoan landscape, with its formally constructed, carefully situated architectural features, is charged with symbolism. In this volume, Ruth Van Dyke analyzes the meanings and experience of moving through this landscape to illuminate Chacoan beliefs and social relationships.
by operations | Jul 24, 2017 | Cultural Anthropology, Indigenous Peoples, Resident Scholar, Southwest
2004. Jill D. Sweet
This expanded edition features the voices of Tewa dancers, composers, and others to explain the significance of dance to their understanding of Tewa identity and community.
by operations | Oct 16, 2018 | Cultural Anthropology, General Anthropology, Indigenous Peoples, Linguistics, Recently Published Titles, Resident Scholar, SAR Press
2018. Christopher Ball
Showing ritual as a contributing factor to relationships of development and the politics of indigeneity, Exchanging Words asks how discourse, ritual, and exchange come together to mediate social relations close to home and on a global scale.
by operations | Jul 24, 2017 | Cultural Anthropology, Indigenous Peoples, Linguistics, Resident Scholar, SAR Press, Southwest
2015. Erin Debenport
This ethnographic study of emergent literacy provides a complex picture of secrecy, intellectual property, and the formation of publics through its examination of the relationships between prevailing linguistic ideologies, intertextual connections, and the contexts surrounding the production of indigenous language texts.
by operations | Jul 24, 2017 | Archaeology, Resident Scholar, SAR Press
2003. Vernon L. Scarborough
A major contribution to one of the central themes in social theory, this book integrates multiple case studies of the relationship between water control and social organization.
by operations | Jul 24, 2017 | Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Resident Scholar, SAR Press
2012. Edited by Michael A. Adler and Susan Benton Bruning
In the middle of this roiling debate over who has the right to collect and display antiquities, a group of scholars convened to debate differing perspectives on the ethics of antiquities collecting.
by operations | Jul 24, 2017 | Applied Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Resident Scholar, SAR Press
2007. Edited by Barbara Rose Johnston
Activists and anthropologists, the authors of this volume reveal the devastating, complex, and long-term environmental health problems afflicting the people who worked in uranium mining and processing, lived in regions dedicated to the construction of nuclear weapons or participated, often unknowingly, in radiation experiments.