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Timely Assets

2008. Edited by Elizabeth Emma Ferry and Mandana E. Limbert

Oil is running out. What’s more, its final depletion, once relegated to a misty future, now seems imminent. In all the more or less apocalyptic discussions of oil and similar depleted resources, nature, labor, and time converge. This volume focuses on how resources, resource-making, and resource-claiming are entangled with experiences of time.

Uruk Mesopotamia & Its Neighbors

2001. Edited by Mitchell S. Rothman

The contributing field and theoretical archaeologists in this volume radically reassess the chronological framework for the region, assemble the basic data sets on both local and regional levels, and interpret and synthesize these data in order to put local patterns and dynamics into their widest regional context.


2004. Edited by Neil L.Whitehead

Covering wide-ranging regimes of violence, these essays examine various aspects of state violence, legitimate and illegitimate forms of violence, the impact of anticipatory violence on daily life, and its effects long after the events themselves have passed.

Vital Relations

2013. Edited by Susan McKinnon and Fenella Cannell

For more than 150 years, theories of social evolution, development, and modernity have been unanimous in their assumption that kinship organizes simpler, “traditional,” pre-state societies but not complex, “modern,” state societies. This volume challenges these notions.