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Medieval Mississippians

2015. Edited by Timothy R. Pauketat and Susan M. Alt

The eighth volume in the award-winning Popular Archaeology Series, introduces a key historical period in pre-Columbian eastern North America — the “Mississippian” era — via a series of colorful chapters on places, practices, and peoples written from Native American and non-Native perspectives on the past.

Memory Work

2008. Edited by Barbara J. Mills and William H. Walker

In this book the authors focus on a set of case studies that illustrate how social memories were made through repeated, patterned, and engaged social practices.

(Mis)managing Migration

2014. Edited by David Griffith

Managed migration enables nation-states to regulate population movements; direct foreign nationals to specific, identified economic sectors that citizens are less likely to care about; match employers who claim labor shortages with highly motivated workers; and offer people from poorer countries higher earning potential abroad through temporary absence from their families and homelands. Unfortunately, managed migration does not always work on the ground as well as it does on paper.