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Summer Scholar Colloquium: Nicholas Barron Brings the History of Anthropology into the Present

Summer Scholar Colloquium: Nicholas Barron Brings the History of Anthropology into the Present

In November 1981, anthropologists and tribal representatives gathered on the Pascua Pueblo Yaqui Reservation in southern Arizona for the 89th International Symposium, hosted by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Although this obscure conference may have been relegated to a footnote in the history of anthropology and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Nicholas Barron, SAR’s 2020 William Y. and Nettie K. Adams summer scholar, argues that its story helps us to better understand consequential, ongoing political processes and Indigenous histories.

How to Publish Your First Book: SAR Press Talks to Nicholas Barron

How to Publish Your First Book: SAR Press Talks to Nicholas Barron

SAR Press is starting a new blog series comprised of interviews with scholars of color, first-generation scholars, and other scholars from marginalized communities who have recently published or are in the midst of publishing their first book and who can offer guidance and encouragement to colleagues who are just starting to think about publishing. We hope that these interviews make a small contribution to supporting junior scholars as they begin the publishing process.

Industrializing Animal Life and Death: A Conversation with Alex Blanchette

Industrializing Animal Life and Death: A Conversation with Alex Blanchette

Alex Blanchette was SAR’s 2012–2013 Weatherhead resident scholar, co-organizer of the 2016 Advanced Seminar “How Nature Works,” and co-editor of How Nature Works: Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet, published by SAR Press in 2019. SAR recently spoke with him about his new book and the effects of COVID-19 on the meatpacking industry.

Abolishing Immigration Detention: A Conversation with Deborah Boehm

Abolishing Immigration Detention: A Conversation with Deborah Boehm

Deborah A. Boehm was a 2013 visiting research associate at SAR and is now a professor in the Department of Anthropology and chair of the Department of Gender, Race, and Identity at the University of Nevada, Reno. She will be participating in a conversation with Jason De León and other scholars during SAR’s Beyond Borders Symposium on August 21, 2020, 10:00 a.m. MDT. We spoke about her year as a Mellon/ACLS Scholars & Society fellow and her most recent work on the US immigration detention system.

A New Way of Connecting: SAR Virtual Happy Hours

A New Way of Connecting: SAR Virtual Happy Hours

“In the time of the pandemic, SAR has created thoughtful, interesting online programs with internationally renowned scholars that provide the participants and speaker the opportunity for conversation with each other.” Lauren Prescott reflects on SAR’s newest program of virtual happy hours with leading scholars and artists. Read on to learn how you can join the conversations.

Mentors and Friends: SAR’s 2019–2020 Resident Scholars

Mentors and Friends: SAR’s 2019–2020 Resident Scholars

Every year SAR welcomes a new cohort of resident scholars, who spend nine months studying, writing, and participating in the intellectual life of the campus. As usual, the 2019–2020 scholars brought with them a variety of interests and projects, but they came together in their appreciation of the time, the place, and the community they found here.

Bearing Witness and Raising Awareness: A Conversation with Jason De León

Bearing Witness and Raising Awareness: A Conversation with Jason De León

Jason De León, SAR’s 2013–2014 Weatherhead fellow and a 2017 MacArthur fellow, is a professor in the Departments of Anthropology and Chicana/o Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, and director of the Undocumented Migration Project, a non-profit research-art-education-media collective. I recently spoke with him to learn more about his new exhibition: Hostile Terrain 94.