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Hispano Homeland or Fantasy Heritage?

Hispano Homeland or Fantasy Heritage?

The School for Advanced Research is pleased to announce that Professor John Nieto-Phillips of Indiana University will present a lecture, Hispano Homeland or Fantasy Heritage? Spanish-American Identity and Ideology in New Mexico, 1890s-1940s, on April 27, 2017.

SAR launches Latino Studies Initiative

SAR launches Latino Studies Initiative — The president of the School for Advanced Research (SAR), Michael F. Brown, is pleased to announce the launch of a new program focused on Latino studies.


2006. Sylvia Rodriguez

Every society must have a system for capturing, storing, and distributing water, a system encompassing both technology and a rationale for the division of this finite resource. Today, people around the world face severe and growing water scarcity, and everywhere this vital resource is ceasing to be a right and becoming a commodity. The acequia or irrigation ditch associations of Taos, Río Arriba, Mora, and other northern New Mexico counties offer an alternative.