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In a public award event held at San Miguel Chapel on May 18, the School for Advanced Research received the Historic Santa Fe Foundation’s 2023 Preservation Award for the extensive renovation work on its historic El Delirio campus completed over the past three years. The event included presentation of a number of historic preservation awards by the City of Santa Fe and the Old Santa Fe Association as well as the HSFF.

The award plaque was presented by HSFF’s president Pete Warzel to Jeremy Sabloff, representing SAR’s board of directors, and Michael F. Brown, SAR president. The citation reads as follows:

We recognize [SAR’s] efforts to preserve the integrity of this property and their commitment to share their campus, foster scholarship, provide education, and act as stewards for the significant Native American arts collection. The School for Advance Research’s significant project, started in 2020, encompasses the entire campus and sets a standard for all concerned with the preservation of the built environment in Santa Fe.

Historic Santa Fe Foundation is honored to present School for Advanced Research with the 2023 Heritage Preservation Award for Architectural Stewardship.

Signed, Anne McDonald Culp, Board Chair, HSFF. May 18-2023.

SAR’s renovations of its historic buildings included exterior replastering of eleven structures, repair of stonework and stairs, restoration of its President’s Garden, and installation of handrails in various parts of the campus.  This extensive project was largely funded by donations from SAR’s directors.