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In the past few weeks, SAR lost two important friends and accomplished scholars, J. J. Brody and Duane C. Anderson. Both played important roles in SAR’s history.

J. J. (Jerry) Brody during the 1980s. Photo courtesy of SAR.

J. J. (Jerry) Brody, 95, died at home surrounded by his family, including Jean, his wife of 68 years. Jerry received his BA, MA, and PhD from the University of New Mexico, where he served on the faculty of the departments of Anthropology and Art History for twenty-four years. A noted expert on Native American art, his responsibilities at UNM included directorship of the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology.

His many books include three published by SAR Press: Mimbres Painted Pottery (2005), Pueblo Indian Painting (1997), and Yazz: Navajo Painter (1983, co-authored with Sallie R. Wagner and Beatien Yazz).

Jerry is remembered fondly by forty-year SAR employee Carol Sandoval. “Dr. Brody used to sit in as interim president when Doug Schwartz would go on sabbatical or was out on medical leave. He was friendly and just happy to help. He kept his hand on the steering wheel but let us do our jobs, then just handed it back to Doug and went on with his life.”

His grandaughter, Thea Brody, describes Jerry Brody as a “much beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather; a respected colleague, scholar and educator; and a valued friend and neighbor. He was rarely caught without a joke or a terrible pun.”

A memorial service for Jerry Brody was held at UNM on May 17, 2024.

Duane Anderson at SAR in 2003. Photo courtesy of SAR.

Duane Anderson received his doctorate in anthropology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 1972 after completing two years of active duty in the U.S. Army. He held multiple teaching and high-level administration positions at museums in Ohio and Iowa before serving as SAR’s vice president and director of the Indian Arts Research Center from 1992-2000. Subsequent to his time at SAR, he served as director of the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, Santa Fe, for five years.

Carol Sandoval recalls Duane as “an experienced administrator who taught me so much about being in HR, from conducting interviews to performance evaluations and more. He had such an impact on my professional growth. He was thoughtful, friendly, and wanted the best for SAR and the IARC.”

Santa Fe-based art consultant Gerald Stiebel remembers Duane Anderson for his professionalism and generosity of spirit: “Having visited Santa Fe for some time, I was acquainted with the School of American Research, as SAR was then called. In 1997 a friend and colleague, Gene Thaw, sponsored a five-day SAR seminar on the subject of cultural property, a matter I had worked on in the past. I phoned Duane Anderson to suggest an arts writer from the International Herald Tribune who I thought would be good on the panel. Duane stopped me in my tracks when he said he had wanted to invite me to join this illustrious panel. During breaks in the seminar, when other members went to Ten Thousand Waves, I was out getting to know Santa Fe on a bicycle. I have Duane to thank for an experience that turned me from a visitor into a resident and devoted Santa Fean. My wife Penelope has reminded me that Duane was always proud of the fact that he was responsible for turning what was a parking lot on Museum Hill into the Milner Plaza.”

Duane is survived by his wife Carol and other family members.

These two friends of SAR will be sorely missed.

Addendum, May 25, 2024:  The Santa Fe New Mexican published a thoughtful appreciation of Duane Anderson’s impact on Santa Fe as well as on museum policies with respect to Native American communities and collections.