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2017 King Fellow Warren Montoya arrives at SAR

2017 King Fellow Warren Montoya arrives at SAR

Warren Montoya, the Rollin and Mary Ella King Fellowship Native Artist for 2017, is from Tamaya (Santa Ana Pueblo) and Kha’po Owinge (Santa Clara Pueblo), arrives at the IARC having already gained recognition at Santa Fe Indian Market, Heard Indian Market, and shown...

2017-18 SAR Resident Scholars & Presentation Calendar Announced

On September 20, 2017, at noon, as part of the SAR Colloquium Series on campus, all six resident scholars will present brief introductions to their projects. Throughout the fall, in-depth discussion of the projects will also be held (dates noted below, all scheduled in the Dobkin Boardroom at SAR from noon to 1 p.m.). These presentations are free and open to the public.

SAR Announces 2017-2018 Anne Ray Interns

SAR Announces 2017-2018 Anne Ray Interns — The Indian Arts Research Center annually offers two nine-month internships to individuals who are recent college graduates, current graduate students, or junior museum professionals who are committed to furthering their professional museum experience and enhancing their intellectual capacity and for contributing […]

SAR Press Book Sale

SAR Press Book Sale — On Aug. 17-18, from 11am-5pm, SAR Press will have a booth at the Antique American Indian Art Show offering an assortment of publications that relate to Native American art, culture and archaeology.

SAR Mourns the Passing of Former Board Member Steadman Upham

SAR Mourns the Passing of Former Board Member Steadman Upham. The Board of Directors and staff of the School for Advanced Research are sad to announce the death on July 30 of Steadman Upham, 68, a distinguished former member of the SAR board and former president of the University of Tulsa.

SAR Joins New Santa Fe Network

SAR Joins New Santa Fe Network

SAR is excited to be part of the launch of the new Santa Fe Network, where we will be able to offer some of the videos produced about our work and resident artists. Please visit Santa Fe Network to view more films produced in and about Santa Fe and the surrounding...