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February 11-15, 2018

Designs and Anthropologies

Co-chaired by Keith Murphy, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine and Eitan Wilf, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

The seminar assembled a group of scholars whose work critically engages one or more of the following configurations: anthropology for design, in which anthropological methods and concepts are mobilized in the design process; anthropology of design, in which design is positioned as an object of ethnographic inquiry; and design for anthropology, in which anthropologists borrow concepts and methods from design to enhance traditional ethnographic forms.

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September 23–27, 2018

Death Culture in the 21st Century

Co-chaired by Shannon Lee Dawdy, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago and Tamara E. Kneese, Lecturer, Department of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies, UC Davis

How is the experience of death and mourning changing under conditions of growing religious plurality and secularization, technological mediation, and globalization? Cultures throughout history have deployed different media and objects to communicate with and remember the dead — from heirlooms, inscription, mementos, music, clothing, and architecture to photography, telegraphy, television, and the internet. This seminar addressed how the dead continue to shape the world around us through these forms — and, most importantly, how and why that assemblage is changing.

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October 14–18, 2018

Marital Rape in Global Context: Social Suffering, Adverse Health Consequences, and Culturally Sensitive Intervention

Co-chaired by M. Gabriela Torres, Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Wheaton College and Kersti A. Yllö, Emerita Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Wheaton College

This Seminar explored the global pandemic of rape in marriage and focused on developing promising practical interventions informed by anthropological research. Recent collaborative international research demonstrates that women in widely divergent social contexts experience forced sex in their marital and cohabiting relationships as social suffering with significant negative emotional and physical health consequences. Anthropology’s deep knowledge of local cultures is now beginning to infuse gender-based violence work in other disciplines such as sociology, legal studies, human rights and public health. This seminar aimed to build on and expand this interdisciplinary cross-fertilization by focusing on four key areas of intervention: (1) human rights/legal systems, (2) global public health, (3) transitions in kinship and education, and (4) cultural contradictions and local collaboration.

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