The Adams Fund selection process is guided by the School’s longstanding commitment to support research that advances knowledge about human culture, evolution, history, and creative expression. SAR views its attractive campus environment as the connective tissue that supports the kinds of research that underlie its national reputation.
Individual Projects
Scholars with summer research projects that meet the requirements of the Adams Fund are eligible for $500 in travel support and up to $2000 in stipend support, depending on the length of their visit. On a space-available basis, campus housing may be provided for a nominal cost.
Short Seminars
Seminar proposals meeting the requirements of the Adams Fund will receive 3-days of lodging and meals for up to ten participants at SAR’s Schwartz Seminar House. Travel costs to/from Santa Fe are not covered for short seminars.
How to Apply
Applicants whose projects meet the terms of the Adams Fund should send a letter of inquiry and a brief project proposal to Paul Ryer (, Director of Scholar Programs, School for Advanced Research.