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March 28–April 3, 2009

The Middle Classes: A Global Perspective

Rachel Heiman, Co-Chair
Assistant Professor
Bachelor’s Program and Department of Social Sciences
The New School for Social Research

Aihwa Ong, Co-Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Berkeley

The seminar brought together scholars who were researching the middle classes in a range of nation-states including Nepal, Hungary, Egypt, Austria, China, Barbados, Mexico, and the United States.

May 3–7, 2009

Markets and Moralities

Peter Benson, Co-Chair
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Yale University

Edward F. Fischer, Co-Chair
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Vanderbilt University

This seminar documented how specific moral values are embedded in global economic systems, and it provided ethnographic examinations of how economic systems and institutions touch down in local and national contexts.

August 17–21, 2009

Nature, Science, and Religion: Intersections Shaping Society and the Environment

Catherine M. Tucker, Chair
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Indiana University

“Does religion shape or affect environmental practice, and if so, how?” Lynn White’s intriguing question, posed initially in a 1967 Science article, sparked this advanced seminar.

September 26–October 2, 2009

Toward a Global Human History: Agency and the Explanation of Long-Term Change

Timothy R. Pauketat, Co-Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois

John Robb, Co-Chair
Senior Lecturer
Department of Archaeology
Cambridge University

Why do there appear to have been long periods of little change early in human archaeological history? Can we square such explanations with those we use to explain, say, the state?