March 11–15, 2007
Putting Aegean States in Context: Interaction in the Eastern Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe during the Bronze Age
Michael L. Galaty, Co-Chair
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Millsaps College
William A. Parkinson, Co-Chair
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Florida State University
Participants of this advanced seminar utilized existing knowledge of the dynamic nature of social interactions among the pre-state and state societies of the Bronze Age Aegean as a vehicle with which to critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of world systems theory, as well as explore alternative theories for understanding social interactions at different geographical and temporal scales.
April 15–19, 2007
The Shape of Script: How and Why Writing Systems Change
Stephen D. Houston, Chair
Department of Anthropology
Brown University
Scholars of this advanced seminar met to address the question of what happens to a writing system between the time of its inception and the time of its extinction. Discrediting the notion that a writing system remains static throughout the span of its existence, participating experts in diverse script traditions from around the globe discussed the ways in which various forces, such as generational transfer, aesthetics, and technologies, influence writing systems.
July 15–19, 2007
Archaeology and Public Policy: A New Vision for the Future
William D. Lipe, Co-Chair
Professor Emeritus
Department of Anthropology
Washington State University
Lynne Sebastian, Co-Chair
Historic Preservation Programs
SRI Institution
Since the 1960s, when Congress passed landmark laws providing protection for historic and prehistoric heritage in the United States, the discipline of archaeology has been engaged in serious debate about the goals of cultural resource management. This seminar continued that discussion and ultimately generated consensus on certain areas that need improvement within the profession of archaeology, such as an enhanced emphasis on public interest, heightened professional standards, and shared involvement of entities throughout the archaeological community.
October 14–18, 2007
Pharmaceutical Self and Imaginary: Studies in Psychopharmacology and Globalization
Janis H. Jenkins, Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of California, San Diego
Participants of this advanced seminar discussed the cultural impact of the increasingly widespread usage of psychopharmacological drugs, specifically in light of how the regular usage of such drugs affects what it means to be human.