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March 12–16, 2006

The New Landscapes of Inequality

Jane L. Collins, Co-Chair
Department of Rural Sociology
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Micaela D. Leonardo, Co-Chair
Department of Anthropology
Northwestern University

Brett Williams, Co-Chair
Department of Anthropology
American University

How is neoliberal globalization reconfiguring inequality in the contemporary U.S.? This is the question addressed by ten scholars who gathered at the School for Advanced Research in March 2006. The goals of the Seminar were to explore shifting stratifications by race, class, gender, nationality, and sexual orientation while considering the evolving cultural formations that articulate, rationalize, and protest these shifts, including the new spatial dynamics of American inequality.

April 30–May 4, 2006

Cultural Perspectives on Cancer: From Metaphor to Advocacy

Juliet McMullin, Co-Chair
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Riverside

Diane Weiner, Co-Chair
California Native American Research Center for Health

From expressions such as “the war on cancer” to “poverty as a cancerous blight,” cancer is steeped in metaphors. Anthropologists have spent the last few decades both creating and explicating these metaphors. Their work has examined cancer symbols and etiologies, concepts of risk, prevention and detection, treatment and healing, communication practices, the role of gender, and science’s ability to progress in finding cancer genes, to name a few.

October 29–November 2, 2006

Soils, Dryland Agriculture, and Social Complexity in Ancient Hawai’i: A Model System for Human Ecodynamics

Patrick V. Kirch, Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Berkeley

December 3–7, 2006

The Emergence of Leadership: Transitions in Decision Making from Small-Scale to Middle-Range Societies

John Kantner, Co-Chair
Vice President of Academic and Institutional Advancement
School for Advanced Research

Kevin Vaughn, Co-Chair
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Pacific Lutheran University