April 28–May 2, 2002
Culture and Conflict: The Poetics of Violent Practice
Neil L. Whitehead, Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Culture and Conflict: The Poetics of Violent Practice, took place April 28-May 2, 2002. Two discussants joined the eight participants whose papers examined violent practice in a range of cultures including those of West Africa, the Khmer Rouge, Rwanda, the Basque region of Spain, and the United States. Neil Whitehead, who chaired the seminar, described the purpose of the seminar as “seeking an understanding of violence as a cultural expression.”
November 2–8, 2002
The Evolution of Human Life History
Kristen Hawkes, Co-Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of Utah
Richard Paine, Co-Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of Utah
This interdisciplinary group brought together specialists in the hunter-gatherer behavioral ecology and demography, human growth, development, and nutrition, paleodemography, human paleontology, primatology, and the genomics of aging. “We aimed to specify the life history features that distinguish humans from our closest living primate relatives, to review alternative explanations for these differences, and to consider multiple lines of evidence for testing these alternative evolutionary hypotheses,” stated the co-chairs.