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Philip Deloria

Philip Deloria

Katrin H. Lamon Fellow

“The Year the Stars Fell” explores the material history of an event—the extraordinary meteor storm of November 1833–that revealed shared uncertainties concerning faith, spirit, nature, and the production of knowledge in various communities across North America.

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Carl Elliott

Carl Elliott

Weatherhead Fellow

This project combines philosophical exploration with journalistic investigation, in three sections: degradation of the body–human taxidermy, research on the brain-dead; degrading actions–public humiliation as punishment, medications that cause bizarre behavior; and degrading work.

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Margaux Fitoussi

Margaux Fitoussi

Paloheimo and Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellow

Building on interdisciplinary scholarship on historical memory and on belonging, this project rethinks relations between Jews and Muslims, and the ethical and political possibilities for Judaism in the Arab world today.

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Derek Garcia

Derek Garcia

Mellon Fellow

Garcia explores the memories of the first accredited Mexican American institution of higher education, founded in the US-Mexico borderlands of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

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Bertin M. Louis, Jr.

Bertin M. Louis, Jr.

Wenner-Gren Fellow

In his book project, Dr. Louis presents a study about the historical foundation and the contemporary realities of discrimination, stigma, and xenophobia against Haitians in the Bahamas.

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Sarah Van Beurden

Sarah Van Beurden

Weatherhead Fellow

This book offers the first history of craft making in Central Africa, studying the lives and afterlives of three disappeared and forgotten colonial craft genres in Congo: ivory carving, Congolese lace-making, and Christian arts.

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Alberto Wilson III

Alberto Wilson III

Mellon Fellow

Dr. Wilson’s book project explores the lives of Ciudad Juárez’s working residents during the final third of the twentieth century with the arrival and consolidation of the maquiladora (duty-free border-zone factory) along the U.S.-Mexico border.

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