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In the House that Jack Built

In the House that Jack Built

The heat promised to be oppressive in the courtyard of the house that Jack built. Yet there was hope as guests stepped off the shuttle to receive a warm greeting by President’s Circle Chair and host Ken Stilwell, who honored the legacy of Jack Lambert by wearing a white collared shirt, dress jeans, and a ranch hat. Dark clouds gathered, providing relief from the sun during The Dude Wrangler, the Lady Archaeologist, and Martha’s Corrals President’s Circle event on July 26, 2023 from 4-6 pm.

The Breath We Leave: SAR Literary Day 2023

The Breath We Leave: SAR Literary Day 2023

It was the kind of morning best spent in a worn chair next to a lamp reading a good book. Rain pelted at the roof. Its percussive rhythms accompanied the lulling language of Fray Angélico Chávez who wrote: “The angel had simply vanished, slipped out of his hand the way sparrows or trout usually do, only much more swiftly.” Huddled around a broad table, fingers warmed by mugs of coffee and tea, we were in the Reception Center at the School for Advanced Research (SAR) listening to the first three short stories in Fray Angélico Chávez’s “New Mexico Triptych.” Published in 1940, the beloved Franciscan padre born in Wagon Mound, NM created his own illustrations. In 1938 and 1939, he read his poetry aloud at the White Sisters’ “Chapel.” On May 19, 2023, in honor of the second annual Santa Fe International Literary Festival, twenty-four tour guests learned about the literary connections at SAR as an organization, a collection, and a place.