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SAR RESEARCHERSCurrent Researchers

Miriam A. Kolar

Staff Scholar — 2022 to Present

Miriam A. Kolar, MFA & PhD, is Managing Editor of the School for Advanced Research (SAR) Press. An adjunct professor in the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University, Dr. Kolar studies human-sonic interrelationships across time and geography, integrating acoustical and auditory perceptual science methodologies in prehistoric archaeology. Since 2008, Dr. Kolar has led archaeoacoustics and music archaeology research at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre of Chavín de Huántar, Peru, with a second Andean project about Inca communication. In 2021, she initiated acoustics research in Upper Paleolithic sites including Chauvet and Marsoulas caves in France. A co-organizer of the NEH-funded project on Digital Preservation and Access to Aural Heritage, Dr. Kolar collaborates on auralization research and multimodal interfaces for cultural heritage engagement. Dr. Kolar was a Weatherhead Fellow at SAR in 2016-2017.