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Pueblo Population and Society

The Arroyo Hondo Skeletal and Mortuary Remains

Ann M. Palkovich

Excavation at Arroyo Hondo yielded 120 human skeletons, many accompanied by grave goods. This book describes and interprets the skeletal and mortuary remains. Palkovich examines skeletal pathologies in relation to age distribution, offering insights into the demographic impact of malnutrition. This book, volume three in the series, describes and interprets the skeletal and mortuary remains. NOTE: This book has been kept in print through print-on-demand technology. Images of human remains in the POD version have been removed out of respect for descendent communities and for the reburial of excavated human remains and associated funerary objects that took place in 2006.

1983. 224 pp., 27 black-and-white illustrations, 2 maps, 38 tables, 7 appendices, references, 6 x 9

Contributors: J. J. Brody

Awards: 1998 Benjamin Franklin Award Winner

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  1. Introduction
  2. The Arroyo Hondo Skeletal and Mortuary Remains
  3. Population Structure and Nutritional Stress
  4. Mortuary Practices: Test of an Ethnographic Age-Status Model
  5. Summary and Comparisons 

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