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Orayvi Revisited

Social Stratification in an Egalitarian Society

Jerrold E. Levy

Challenging the widely held view of the Hopi Indians of Arizona as a sober, peaceful, and cooperative people with an egalitarian social organization, Levy examines the 1906 split in the Third Mesa village of Orayvi.

1992. 216 pp., 11 black-and-white illustrations, 25 tables, notes, 2 appendices, references, index, 7 x 10

Contributors: Jerrold E. Levy

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“…[A]n intriguing examination of the internal dynamics of Hopi society.”
—Dr. Peter Iversen, Journal of the West

“An unparalleled contribution to Hopi studies specifically and to studies of Puebloan societies in general.”
—American Anthropologist


  1. Introduction
  2. History and Society
  3. Social Stratification
  4. Social Integration
  5. The Disintegration of Orayvi
  6. Land, Population, and Social Organization
  7. Myths, Prophecies, and Political Action
  8. Conclusions

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