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Staying Connected

Mar 19, 2020

In addition to canceling, postponing, or livestreaming our in-person public programs until April 30, we have reluctantly decided to close the SAR campus to the public until further notice. 

We understand that your mailboxes are flooded with messages about responses to Covid-19 and it can seem overwhelming. But now is a good time to reflect and find new ways to engage with one another.

Our staff will largely be working from home and available via email and telephone. With this new reality of working from home, social distancing, and avoiding public gatherings, we are offering ways that SAR can continue to be a resource for you to connect with friends and family and to learn together.

So we can’t engage in-person? Let’s connect from home. Here are several ways you can continue to be part of the SAR community from afar:

Join us for a livestreamed event. 

photo by Dado Galdieri

On March 26, turn on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone, and join us for a livestream of our upcoming Creative Thought Forum presentation with anthropologist Glenn Shepard.

Turning the Lens: Brazil’s Kayapo Communities’ Use of the Warrior Image

Glenn Shepard, the ethnology curator at the Goeldi Museum in Belém do Pará, Brazil, presents on work by Kayapo communities who use their warrior image and outside power symbols to combat—via film and new media approaches—the rise of mining and logging projects on Indigenous lands.

Simply go to sarsf.info/youtube at 6:30 p.m. (MST) for the presentation and a live Q&A with Shepard.

For three sessions (March 31 / April 2 / April 7), learn with fellow community members in our remote In-Depth course with Enrique Lamadrid.

Nuevo México Profundo – Indo-Hispano Narratives of Conquest and De-Conquest

Explore the evolution of the history and the changing paradigms around New Mexico’s hegemonic multi-culturalism with the University of New Mexico’s former director of Chicano Hispano Mexicano Studies, Enrique Lamadrid.

Learn more and register: HERE.

On April 9 join us for a livestream of our upcoming Creative Thought Forum presentation with Ankur Gopal.

What It Takes to Solve America’s IT Skill Gap 

Ankur Gopal, the founder of Interapt, an award-winning IT services firm now leading a ten-year plan to help Kentuckians build a sustainable technology ecosystem, explores how families traditionally linked to coal-mining culture are grappling with the need for changing skills in the twenty-first century and the impact of economic inequality on access to training and education.

Simply go to sarsf.info/youtube at 6:30 p.m. (MST) for the presentation and a live Q&A with Gopal.

Share your thoughts with community members via social media.

You can find up to date information via our social media channels about what our current and former artists and scholars are working on, news about exciting developments in the social sciences, and places to share what’s important to you.

Explore one of our many online resources.

SAR’s YouTube channel

With over 200 videos ranging from previous lectures and artist talks, to interviews and studio visits, there is something for everyone! Need a place to start? Try one of our curated playlists:

SAR Deep Dive: Chaco Canyon Region / programs specifically exploring the world of Chaco

SAR Press. 

You can access free downloads for most introductory chapters of SAR Press publications. Scan the intro to get a preview of a book’s contents and then order a copy to be delivered directly to your home or to a friend’s home.

Not sure where to start? Check out our recently published titles section:


SAR blog. 

“Voices from SAR” brings you current conversations with scholars, artists, and community members, as well as updates on publications, programs, collections highlights, and more.

Here are two examples:

For IARC Education Department, Native American Community Connections Matter.


SAR Curated. The Century Dictionary Case.


Continue your support.

We are so grateful for your continued support. Your involvement will help further our understanding of humanity during this challenging time.

The best way to give is to renew your membership or donate online. If you need help processing your gift, please contact Amy Schiffer, Membership Coordinator, at schiffer@sarsf.org or Lindsay Archuleta, Donor Relations Manager, at archuleta@sarsf.org.

Those of you who are current members will continue to receive our SAR NOW bi-annual newsletter in the mail and, if you have subscribed, you will receive our monthly e-news at the beginning of each month.

We wish you and your family health and safety.


Michael F Brown, short signature

Michael F Brown, SAR President 

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