SAR Awarded National Endowment for the Humanities Grant
The School for Advanced Research (SAR) is proud to announce that it recently received notice that the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) will award the school $167,825 through the NEH American Rescue Plan, which provides relief funding for cultural and educational institutions to help them recover from the economic impact of the pandemic. The funding will enable SAR to continue hosting its Creative Thought Forum, which has brought to Santa Fe inventive thinkers whose presentations illuminate topics of great public interest. Beginning in early 2022, SAR will host “Justified: Perspectives to Advance a More Equitable and Sustainable America,” a series of six webinar-style public lectures and guided discussions on the theme of social justice as assessed through the lens of multiple social, cultural, economic, and environmental points of view. Presenters will be drawn from the SAR network of leading thinkers in academia and beyond, and representing fields as diverse as history, anthropology, and Native American studies. The series will be free and open to the public.
The continuation of online events is critical to SAR’s principal mission, which is to expand public and scholarly understandings of cultural diversity and Native American arts and to promote more equitable and just societies. Although driven by a national public health emergency, the shift to online presentations has significantly increased the size and geographical diversity of SAR’s audience, which over the past year reached viewers from all fifty states and twenty-five countries. SAR sought NEH support to further our recent success in attracting a global audience to our virtual programming.
The National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.