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Lowland Maya Settlement Patterns


Edited by Wendy Ashmore

This book is a series of essays that offers a framework for the study of lowland Maya settlement patterns, surveying the range of interpretive ideas about ancient Maya remains. Suggesting hypotheses to guide future research, the articles discuss historical, geographical, chronological, and theoretical matters.

1981. 484 pp., 10 maps, 45 figures, 17 tables, 6 x 9

Contributors: R. E. W. Adams, Wendy Ashmore, David A. Freidel, Silvia Garza T., Norman Hammond, Peter D. Harrison, William A. Haviland, Edward B. Kurjack, Richard M. Leventhal, Dennis E. Puleston, Don S. Rice, William T. Sanders, Woodruff D. Smith, Ellen Sue Turner, Norman I. Turner, Gordon R. Willey

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  1. A Historical Introduction to the Study of Lowland Maya Settlement Patterns
    Wendy Ashmore And Gordon R. Willey
  2. Lowland Maya Settlement: Geographical and Chronological Frameworks
    Norman Hammond And Wendy Ashmore
  3. Some Issues of Method and Theory in Lowland Maya Settlement Archaeology
    Wendy Ashmore
  4. Volumetric Assessment, Rank Ordering, and Maya Civic Centers
    Ellen Sue Turner, Norman I. Turner, And R. E. W. Adams
  5. Dower Houses and Minor Centers at Tikal, Guatemala: An Investigation into the Identification of Valid Units in Settlement Hierarchies
    William A. Haviland
  6. Ancient Maya Settlement Patterns in the Peten, Guatemala
    Don S. Rice And Dennis E. Puleston
  7. Settlement Patterns in Belize
    Norman Hammond
  8. Settlement Patterns in the Southeast Maya Area
    Richard M. Leventhal
  9. Settlement Patterns of the Central Yucatan and Southern Campeche Regions
    R. E. W. Adams
  10. Some Aspects of Preconquest Settlement in Southern Quintana Roo, Mexico
    Peter D. Harrison
  11. Pre-Columbian Community Form and Distribution in the Northern Maya Area
    Edward B. Kurjack And Silvia Garza T.
  12. Continuity and Disjunction: Late Postclassic Settlement Patterns in Northern Yucatan
    David A. Freidel
  13. Feudal Models for Classic Maya Civilization
    R. E. W. Adams And Woodruff D. Smith
  14. Classic Maya Settlement Patterns and Ethnographic Analogy
    William T. Sanders
  15. The Political Economics of Residential Dispersion Among the Lowland Maya
    David A. Freidel
  16. Maya Lowland Settlement Patterns: A Summary Review
    Gordon R. Willey
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