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El Delirio Legacy Circle

Map of El Delirio (1927), now SAR’s campus

Map of El Delirio (1927), now SAR’s campus
“Surveyed with a leather thong, drawn and animated by Gustave Baumann”

When you include SAR in your estate plans, you will be invited to join El Delirio Legacy Circle—after the name the White sisters gave to their estate, now SAR’s home. Members of the circle are invited to special events, are acknowledged in the Annual Report and on our website, and will receive a special thank you gift.

If you have already named SAR in your will, trust, or as beneficiary of another type of planned gift, please let us know so we can recognize you properly and honor your intentions. Your gift will also inspire others to remember SAR in a similarly meaningful way.

All information you share will be kept in the strictest of confidence and your gifts may remain anonymous if you choose.

Click here for information to provide your financial advisor.


SAR thanks the following individuals who currently have included us in their estate plans. We wish to thank them for helping to ensure the future of the School.

Anonymous (10)
Denis Boon
Dorothy H. Bracey
Michael F. Brown
Laurence Colton and John McCoy 
Dean Falk
Steven Feld
J. Aurelia and Frank Fleck
Susan L. Foote
George J. Gumerman
Anna Hargreaves
Russell and Diane Kyncl
Don and Jean Lamm

David W. Matthews
Julie S. Rivers
Don L. and Sally Roberts
Elizabeth and James Roghair
James E. Snead
Colleen D. Spencer
Kenneth E. Stilwell
David E. and Cynthia M. Stuart
Wenda Trevathan and Gregg Henry
Diane Vennema
Lynne Withey
Elizabeth Yasek

The following is a partial list of people since 1907 who supported SAR through their planned giving.

Frank Applegate
Mary Austin
Blythe Baebler
Lewis Barker
Ann Baumann
Jane Baumann
John Bodine
Gladys Butler
Margaret A. Cargill
John S. Catron
Mrs. Jose E. Chavez
Peggy Pond Church
Flora Conrad
Eleanor Crosby
Leonora Scott Musé Curtin
Popovi Da
David Davenport
J. Rick Dillingham
Mary McCune Edwards
Rose Evans
Kenneth James Ewing
Mary B. Forsyth
Laura Gilpin
Davis Given
Oriol Grand-Girard
Edgar Lee Hewett
Gene Hodge
Ruth Holmwood
Percy Jackson
Carl and Wilma Jensen
Helen Miller Jones
Karl Kernberger
Patricia Kuhlhoff
Marjorie Lambert

Katrin H. Lamon
Laughlin Estate
Boaz Long
Eleanor Long
Marian Love
Lindsay A. Lovejoy
Cyrus McCormick
Florence B. McCormick
Robert M. McKinney
Robert McManus
Faith Meem
John Gaw Meem
Julie Michel
Mabel Morrow
Helen North
Leonora Paloheimo
Dean L. Peterson
Anthony Pomeroy
Florence Pomeroy
Mary Pool
Estelle Rebec
Paul Resnik
Teresa L. Schulze
Christine Semine
Rosemarie Shellaberger
Leo A. Shifrin
J. I. Staley
Dorothy Stevenson
Barbara and Dennis Tedlock
Lydia J. Trowbridge
Mrs. Ralph Emerson Twitchell
Betty Vortman
Amelia Elizabeth White
Robert Young

El Delirio Legacy Circle Sponsors

SAR gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors for their generous support for El Delirio Legacy Circle Events.

Vivac Winery