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Ancient Civilization and Trade

Edited by Jeremy A. Sabloff and C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky

The contributors to this volume explore trade’s dynamic role in the growth of early civilizations from the vantage points of archaeology, economics, social anthropology, and cultural geography. They examine such topics as central-place theory, information flow, early state modules, long-distance trade, classes of trade, and modes of exchange. Discussion of the development of early civilizations, the change from chiefdom to state, and the formation of trading networks all combine to provide a useful view of the different archaeological approaches to the study of trade and its role in the growth of civilization.

1975. 500 pp., figures, tables, notes, references, index, 6 x 9

Contributors: K. C. Chang, George Dalton, David A. Freidel, Gregory A. Johnson, C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Robert McC. Adams, Karl Polanyi, William L. Rathje, Colin Renfrew, Jeremy A. Sabloff, Malcom C. Webb, Paul Wheatly

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Ancient Civilization and Trade inquiry:

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  1. Trade as Action at a Distance: Questions of Integration and Communication
    Colin Renfrew
  2. Karl Polanyi’s Analysis of Long-Distance Trade and His Wider Paradigm
    George Dalton
  3. Traders and Trade
    Karl Polanyi
  4. The Flag Follows Trade: An Essay on the Necessary Interaction of Military and Commercial Factors in State Formation
    Malcom C. Webb
  5. Ancient Trade as Economics or as Ecology
    K. C. Chang
  6. Satyānŗta in Suvarņdvīpa: From Reciprocity to Redistribution in Ancient Southeast Asia
    Paul Wheatly
  7. Locational Analysis and the Investigation of Uruk Local Exchange Systems
    Gregory A. Johnson
  8. Third Millennium Modes of Exchange and Modes of Production
    C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky
  9. A Model of a Pre-Columbian Trading Center
    Jeremy A. Sabloff and David A. Freidel
  10. The Last Tango in Mayapan: A Tentative Trajectory of Production-Distribution Systems
    William L. Rathje
  11. The Emerging Place of Trade in Civilizational Studies
    Robert McC. Adams
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