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New York Times Article on Genízaros Cites Scholars Associated with SAR

Jan 29, 2018

An article in the January 28 issue of the New York Times (“Indian Slavery Once Thrived in New Mexico.  Latinos are Finding Family Ties to It.”) discusses the complex history of slavery in New Mexico and emerging scholarship on Genízaros, people who identify themselves as descendants of indigenous communities whose children were taken as slaves during raids by both Indians and Hispanic settlers. The article’s author, Simon Romero, quotes several scholars connected to SAR, including Gregorio Gonzáles, Katrin Lamon Resident Scholar in 2016-2017, and Moisés Gonzáles, a UNM professor who participated in a seminar on Genízaro history and culture held at SAR in May 2016.  The article also links to the award-winning book on the history of New Mexico slavery, Captives and Cousins (University of North Carolina Press, 2002), which was written by former SAR president James F. Brooks.

Read the article here.

Gregorio Gonzáles, Katrin Lamon Resident Scholar in 2016-2017.

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