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A Collection of Writings in Memoriam Sylvanus Griswold Morley—1883–1948

This collection of vignettes written by colleagues, friends, and family of Sylvanus Morley provides an intimate look at a man who devoted his life to the study and understanding of the ancient Maya. In personal reminiscences of his childhood in Buena Vista, Colorado, on to Berkeley, to Santa Fe, and his archaeological adventures in the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, his multitude of friends paint a portrait of a man who lived his life to the fullest.

1950. 282 pp., notes, 6 x 9

Contributors: Barbara Aitken, Horace Albright, Jack P. Armstrong, María Herrera de Aschkel, Jennie Avery, Grace Bowman, George W. Brainerd, Virginia Morley Brooks, Mary Bulkley, Edwin V. Byrne, Arthur Carpenter, Fray Angélico Chávez, Agnes Morley Cleaveland, Margretta Stewart Dietrich, Antonio Tejeda F., Walter M. Gilbert, Laura Gilpin, Ben Grauer, Carl E. Guthe, Odd S. Halseth, John P. Harrington, Margaret W. Harrison, Giles Greville Healey, Frederick W. Hodge, Mary Eckles Johnson, Neil M. Judd, Alfred Vincent Kidder, Ruth Laughlin, Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, Boaz Long, S. K. Lothrop, Paul S. Martin, J. Alden Mason, J. P. McEvoy, Jessie McPhail, Earl H. Morris, Eduardo Noguera, Jesse L. Nusbaum, Rosemary Nusbaum, Lily de Jongh Osborne, Enrique Juan Palacios, R. Fred Pettit, Nina E. Piatt, H. E. D. Pollock, Wilson Popenoe, César Lizardi Ramos, Adrián Recinos, Linton Satterthwaite, P. W. Schufeldt, H. D. Scott, George C. Shattuck, Fernando Ruiz Solórzano, David H. Stevens, Gustav Strömsvik, J. Eric S. Thompson, Vivvia Bennett Thornton, Alfred W. Tozzer, Rafael Heliodoro Valle, Alfredo Barrera Vásquez

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  1. A Bird Moving
    Barbara Aitken
  2. A Match Between Raconteurs
    Horace Albright
  3. At Top Speed
    Jack P. Armstrong
  4. One of Guatemala’s Most Distinguished Sons
    María Herrera de Aschkel
  5. How Bright the Gates
    Grace Bowman and Jennie Avery
  6. With Children of Chenkú
    George W. Brainerd
  7. Even Unto the Third Generation
    Virginia Morley Brooks
  8. Little Onions
    Mary Bulkley
  9. After the Heart of Good St. Francis of Assisi
    Edwin V. Byrne
  10. The Death of Lafleur: Two Letters from Morley
    Arthur Carpenter
  11. A Francis-Like Facet
    Fray Angélico Chávez
  12. Prima Gringa Discovers A Relative
    Agnes Morley Cleaveland
  13. Sylvanus Morley-An Appreciation
    Margretta Stewart Dietrich
  14. Insistent Searcher
    Walter M. Gilbert
  15. Chichén Itzá Photographer
    Laura Gilpin
  16. Sylvanus Morley
    Ben Grauer
  17. Journey to Petén
    Carl E. Guthe
  18. Moments of Precious Memories
    Odd S. Halseth
  19. Little Hummingbird
    John P. Harrington
  20. Writings of Sylvanus Griswold Morley
    Margaret W. Harrison
  21. Only Liars and Damn Fools Say They Like the Jungle
    Giles Greville Healey
  22. A Comprehensive Plan for Maya Research
    Frederick W. Hodge
  23. Heaven Is A Gayer Place
    Mary Eckles Johnson
  24. Mocking Bird Canyon and Mexico City
    Neil M. Judd
  25. Sylvanus Griswold Morley, 1883–1948
    Alfred Vincent Kidder
  26. {Sylvanus Griswold Morley}
    Who’s Who in America, 1948–1949
  27. Over Forty Years
    Ruth Laughlin
  28. The Likeness of Sylvanus Griswold Morley
    Alberto Ruz Lhuillier
  29. Legation and Embassy Reminiscences
    Boaz Long
  30. Sylvanus G. Morley in 1916
    S. K. Lothrop
  31. The Great Maya Whodunit
    J. P. McEvoy
  32. Visits to Quiriguá
    Jessie McPhail
  33. Sylvanus G. Morley
    Paul S. Martin
  34. Los Ocho Chinos
    J. Alden Mason
  35. Journey to Copán
    Earl H. Morris
  36. Concerning A Steak and A Bull-Fight
    Eduardo Noguera
  37. Vay Morley and the Santa Fe Style
    Jesse L. Nusbaum
  38. Morley and His People
    Rosemary Nusbaum
  39. An Appreciation
    Lily de Jongh Osborne
  40. Something of a Great Task Seen Through More Modest Activities
    Enrique Juan Palacios
  41. A Man of Parts, All of Them Lovable
    R. Fred Pettit
  42. My Boss, Even Yet
    Nina E. Piatt
  43. Dynamic Leader of the Chichén Itzá Project
    H. E. D. Pollock
  44. Lost In A Brooklyn Subway
    Wilson Popenoe
  45. Two Anecdotes About Dr. Morley
    César Lizardi Ramos
  46. Right Church, Wrong Pew
    Adrián Recinos
  47. In Action As Epigraphist
    Linton Satterthwaite
  48. Reminiscences of A Chiclero
    P. W. Schufeldt
  49. A Letter From Morley
    H. D. Scott
  50. Why the Germans Lost the First World War
    George C. Shattuck
  51. “Behold An Israelite Indeed, In Whom There is No Guile”
    Fernando Ruiz Solórzano
  52. A Day At Uxmal
    David H. Stevens
  53. “I Never Have Time to Look Down”
    Gustav Strömsvik
  54. Morleyana Anecdotes
    Antonio Tejeda F.
  55. Some Anecdotes About Vay
    J. Eric S. Thompson
  56. To Frances
    Vivvia Bennett Thornton
  57. First Notice of Morley’s Archaeological Work
    Alfred W. Tozzer
  58. Remembrances of Morley
    Rafael Heliodoro Valle
  59. Sylvanus Griswold Morley
    Alfredo Barrera Vásquez
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