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Native Resident Artist Talks

Native artists in residence at the SAR’s Indian Arts Research Center offer talks about their work and how their experience at the School is impacting their creative expression. Most talks are followed by a visit to the Dubin Artist Studio on campus.

Native Artist Talk & Studio Tour: Lynda Teller Pete

SAR 660 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, NM, United States

Lynda Teller Pete (Navajo) is a tapestry weaver born into the Tábąąhá (Water Edge Clan) and born for the Tó’aheedlíinii (Two Waters Flow Together Clan). The Teller family has been producing award-winning rugs in the traditional Two Grey Hills regional style for more than seven generations. While at SAR, Teller Pete will complete a tapestry and further develop resources to track and document single panel Diné dresses across institutions.